Setting Results in Trouble Ticket Workflow Trays

Customer Care |Trouble Tickets |Select Ticket |Select History tab |Set Result

The completion of a task in your trouble ticket workflow is recorded by Setting a Result in that task’s workflow tray. To set a result, access the ticket's History tab area, click open the drop-down menu that shown in the currently active workflow tray's Result column, and select a Result. When finished, click the Save button. This action closes out the tray and pushes the trouble ticket through to the next step of your company’s designed trouble ticket resolution workflow.

Setting Results for a trouble ticket can also be done in the ticket's specific Work Order Tray by clicking on the Tray Name. This area will display customer's name, the name of whom this tray has been assigned (and the option to change it), the company's pre-configured instructions to be followed to resolve this part of the process, and a pre-configured drop-down menu from which the users choose and set results of the work done on this tray. To set a result, select an option from the Result: drop-down menu and click Save. This action will return the user to the History tab area with the chosen result now set and displayed in the Result column. To exit from the tray without setting a result, click Cancel.

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