Assigning Personnel to Trouble Tickets

Customer Care |Trouble Tickets |select Trouble Ticket |History

As a trouble ticket work order moves through the process of being resolved, various personnel may need to be assigned to resolve different tasks in the workflow.  If a user has been assigned a Role with the administrative authority to do so, they can assign specific personnel  to specific tasks within a ticket's workflow.

To assign new personnel, access the ticket in question from the Trouble Ticket Queue (if it is currently assigned to you, it can also be accessed from your "My Trouble Tickets" area found on your "My Work" homepage), select the ticket's History tab (located along the top of the Ticket ID page), and click SHOW ALL. Next, click on the drop-down menu shown in the row of the currently active tray and select the person you wish to assign this tray. Click Save to make your change take effect.  

Optionally, you can also assign new personnel to the ticket by clicking on the Tray Name which will open the Workflow Tray-specific screen.

Using the pre-configured drop-down menu populated with your company's personnel, select the person to assign to this tray. When finished, click Save. In this example, staffer "Craig Schwartz" has been selected to complete this workflow task. As a result, this task will now appear in this staffer's My Trouble Tickets work area of his user-specific home page, My Work.

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