Adding, Editing, and Viewing a Trouble Ticket

Customer Care |Trouble Tickets | ADD   or   Customer Profile | Trouble Tickets tab | ADD

When opening a new Trouble Ticket, the first step must be to associate it with a customer. Note: Skip the following steps 1-3 if you are adding a ticket starting from a customer's profile as that customer will be associated with the ticket by default)

1. Click either the Select Customer or Select Prospect on the Adding a Trouble Ticket screen.    

2. Enter your search criteria in the Search and For: data-entry fields and click Go.

3. Click on the Account Number or Prospect Number of the customer/prospect from the displayed results of your search.

With the customer or prospect now associated with the ticket (their name should now be shown in the Adding a Trouble Ticket dialog box), fill in the information for the following data-entry fields:

· Calling #:  (Is required, but should auto populate)   

· Called #:  

· Customer Contact: (Is required, but should auto populate)   

· Phone:  

· Email:  

· ANI/Circuit:  

· Reference #:

· Date of Ticket: (Should auto populate)

· Time of Ticket: (Should auto populate)

· Severity: (Choose from the drop-down menu)   

· Status (Choose from the drop-down menu)

· Type: (Required --Choose from the drop-down menu) Note: Types available here and the various miscellaneous information fields tied to them that will appear when a certain type is selected, are dependant upon the setup for Trouble Ticket Categories and Trouble Ticket Misc Info in the Admin area of Webtop BPM.   

· Problem (Choose from the drop-down menu)

· Description: (Required —Note: The more information and details that are  entered, the more useful the trouble ticket will be to others later)

· Vendor: (Choose from the drop-down menu)

· Vendor Contact: (Choose from the drop-down menu)

· Vendor Email:  

· Entered By: (Will populate user's name or work ID after information after clicking Save)

When finished entering information, click Save. This action will assign the trouble ticket a number and have it placed into the Trouble Ticket Queue. To open the ticket and view its ID Page containing all the information the user has entered when adding the ticket, click on the ticket's number in the trouble ticket queue. If any of the previously entered information needs to be updated or corrected, click the Edit This Ticket link found on the Trouble Ticket ID Page, make any necessary changes, and click Save.

The Trouble Ticket ID Page serves as the main or "home" page for a specific trouble ticket. It is through this page that all functions for trouble ticket management (History, Documents, Comments) are made accessible.

Note: Some data-entry fields and menu content may  vary depending on the Webtop installation settings chosen by your company.

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