Setting up Misc Info for Trouble Tickets

Admin | Setup | User Defined Fields  | Trouble Ticket Misc Info

The Trouble Ticket's “Misc Info” functionality  provides for the entering of miscellaneous information into user-defined categories when a Trouble Ticket is opened. Specific miscellaneous information fields will  dynamically appear for data entry when a Ticket Type that has been associated with them is selected by the user working the Trouble Ticket.

To create, customize, and maintain universal categories for these Miscellaneous Information storage areas,  access your administrative area for setting up Trouble Ticket Miscellaneous Information by navigating to Admin >Setup >User Defined Fields >Trouble Ticket Misc Info. The resulting Setup Trouble Ticket Miscellaneous Information screen's table will list any pre-existing Misc Information for Trouble Tickets categories, their sub-categories (Field Name), their details or dropdown values, and their requirement setting.

Begin creating a new Misc Info category by clicking the Add Category button at the bottom of the screen.

Next, type in the Name of the new category and click the Add button. You will receive a confirmation message at the top of the screen confirming your new category as having been added, and the category will now be displayed in the table.

Next, you will need to add at least one sub-category. To add a sub-category, click the Edit link found in the row of the category you just created. This action will open the Edit Trouble Ticket Misc Info screen. The editable category's name is listed at the top.
: If opening an existing category for editing, any pre-existing sub-categories for the category would be displayed in the FIELD NAME column. Any pre-existing drop-down menu values associated with the sub-category would be displayed in the DROPDOWN VALUES column.  

Note: If opening an existing category for editing, any pre-existing sub-categories for the category would be displayed in the FIELD NAME column. Any pre-existing drop-down menu values associated with the sub-category would be displayed in the DROPDOWN VALUES column.  

Next, type in the Name of the new sub-category. Select the checkbox if you want the supplying of this information to be a required field when a user opens a ticket for a customer. When finished, click the Add button at the bottom of the screen. After a confirmation message states the new sub-category has been added, the category name and new sub-category will display on the Edit Trouble Ticket Miscellaneous Information screen.  

If desired, you can now add multiple drop-down menu selections for this subcategory. Begin adding (or editing existing) drop-down menu values for the sub-category by clicking Edit in the DROPDOWN VALUES column. This action will open the Edit Trouble Ticket Miscellaneous Information Dropdown Values screen.  To add a new drop-down value, click the Add Dropdown Value button.  

On the ensuing Add area, enter the value's name or figure and click the Add button. The Edit Miscellaneous Information Dropdown Values screen will refresh to now show the new drop-down menu value and a confirmation message that it was added. Note: To change a drop-down value, click Edit next to its name, type in a new name and click Save.

If needed, click the Add Dropdown Value button to add more values.

When you are finished adding drop-down menu values or any additional subcategories, click the Return button. You will return to the Miscellaneous Info in Trouble Tickets home screen which will now display your category, its subcategory, and if added, a drop-down menu containing any values you have entered.

Note: Maintenance of existing categories is done through the Edit and Delete links found on the far left of each category’s row. The Editing of categories, sub-categories, and drop-down values is preformed using the same functions of the "Add" process as described above.

With your Trouble Ticket Misc Info category or categories now in place, in order for them to show when working a ticket, it or they must be now assigned to a Trouble Ticket Type.

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