Trouble Tickets

Customer Care| Trouble Tickets | Add or Select Ticket

My Work |My Trouble Tickets | Select Ticket

Through the use of Webtop BPM's trouble ticket module, the process of resolving customer issues can be tracked and managed. When a trouble ticket is opened, it will follow the predefined workflow steps through the use of work trays, each of which are assigned a user and address a specific task. When a user completes and closes out a tray, the trouble ticket is pushed forward to the next step of the workflow and towards its ultimate resolution.

Users can access any trouble ticket via the Trouble Ticket Queue. The queue is reached from Webtop's main menu bar by selecting Customer Care > Trouble Tickets.

Click show all to display all existing open trouble tickets.

Tickets in the queue are sorted in columns by Trouble Ticket #, Customer #, Prospect #, date Opened, date  Closed, Type, Status, Priority, Severity, and Entered By headings. To sort by a specific column, click on that column's heading.  By using the fields and drop-down menus at the top of the screen, filter the queue’s display of tickets by Customer #, Prospect #, Account Type, Open Status, Date Range, Problem, Type, Status, Priority, Severity, and Entered By and then clicking the Search button.

 To open a specific ticket, click on its number shown in the Trouble Ticket column. This action will take the user to that Trouble Ticket's ID page which serves as a gateway to all trouble ticket feature functionality including, editing the ticket's details, adding and viewing relevant documents and comments, accessing the customer's or prospect's Profile, and accessing and setting results in the ticket's workflow history.

To begin the process of adding a new trouble ticket to the queue, click add. This action will take the user to an Adding a Trouble Ticket page to input data on the new ticket.

Users who have Trouble Tickets assigned to them can access those tickets on their Webtop homepage, My Work, and expanding their MY TROUBLE TICKETS area .   

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