Trouble Ticket History

Customer Care | Trouble Tickets | Select Ticket | History tab
My Work
| Trouble Tickets |Select Ticket | History tab

The History tab area displays and provides access to past and present work order trays associated with a trouble ticket. There are two options for viewing the trouble ticket's History:

Click SHOW OPEN to display only the workflow tray that is currently open and requiring resolution.

Click SHOW ALL to display all workflow trays associated with this trouble ticket including those in which have been completed and the result has been set.

The History tab area has six columns:

• The work order's workflow's Tray name. Click on the tray name to open that specific tray where, with proper authorization, you may view detailed instructions for resolving the tray's task, assign personnel to work the tray, or set the result for the tray.  

• Date workflow tray was first Opened

• To whom that workflow tray was Assigned

• The date that workflow tray was Completed

• The name or ID of the person whom the workflow tray was Completed By

• The set Result of the work accomplished in that workflow tray. If the workflow tray is currently open and in progress, this column will provide a drop-down menu from which you may set the result of the tray.

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