Assigning Trouble Ticket Misc Info Categories to Trouble Ticket Types

Admin | Setup | User Defined Fields  | Assign Trouble Ticket Type Categories

After setting up a Trouble Ticket Misc Info category, in order for it to show up as a data-entry field when opening a trouble ticket, you must associate the Trouble Ticket Misc Info category to a specific Trouble Ticket Type.  

Begin this process by navigating to Admin >Setup >User Defined Fields >Assign Trouble Ticket Type Categories.  The resulting Assign Miscellaneous Information Categories to Trouble Ticket Types screen’s table contains three columns:

Trouble Ticket: This column lists all of the client’s pre-configured Trouble Ticket Types. For example, “Level 1,” “Level 2,” and “Level 3”

Type Description: This column displays a pre-configured description for each type of trouble ticket

Misc Info Category: For each Trouble Ticket Type, this column provides a drop-down menu containing all Misc Info Categories available for ticket association

To assign a Misc Info Category to a specific Trouble Ticket Type, select a category from the drop-down menu in that Trouble Ticket Type’s row and click the Save button. Whenever that Trouble Ticket Type is selected during data entry on a ticket, that Misc Info Category (and any of its associated sub-categories and drop-down menu values) will appear on screen as part of the data-entry process for the ticket.

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